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Strengthening Mental Health



What is mental health? The World Mental Health Organization defines mental health as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Mental health does not simply mean the absence of a mental disorder. Some people call mental health 'emotional health' or 'well-being,' and it is just as important as having good physical health (Mental Health Foundation, 2013). Good mental health is essential to living a joyful and rewarding life. Good mental health helps us to better cope with life's challenges.

So many times we see people looking depressed or have met people who are depressed. What is depression? Someone who is depressed, has feelings of sadness or anxiety which can last for weeks. She/he may also experience feelings of hopelessness and/or negative thoughts, fatigue and decreased energy, difficulty remembering details and making decisions. What can cause depression? There are several stressors ranging from domestic problems or domestic conflict, job loss, current illness or the death of a loved one etc. Sometimes, people have very low self-esteem, and believe that people just don't like them. Also, if they have had many failures in their life, they tend to feel depressed, as they believe they are just doomed to failure. We all feel sad at some point in our life, but we must never let this feeling overwhelm us, where we cannot function at all in our daily lives. Or that we feel so depressed, we then think about suicide. We must try not to let this feeling go on for lengthy periods, because apart from causing mental illness, it can also affect normal, physical, body processes and functions. Then we can become physically unwell too.

What can we do to help a depressed person? If you know someone like this, please offer some words of encouragement to this person, and do say a prayer for them. You should also advise them to seek professional counselling. You must let them know that they are needed in this world, and they are special too. Encourage them to eat nutritiously, limit alcohol consumption, keep physically active, and to get enough sleep. Also encourage them to try a new hobby, and do the things that they like or liked doing. Or they can perhaps join a church, or try a new course of study, that will help take their mind off their pressing problems, and lead them on the road to positivity and happiness eventually.

What is happiness? Some people say it is a state of mind. Others believe that it is about feeling and expressing pleasure or contentment, about many things in their life. To feel happy, a lot of people talk about doing the things that make them feel better, or doing the things they are good at, or doing the things they love doing. This has helped several people bounce back from the darkness, and brought them back into the light. One has to find that strength within, which can overcome any problem in the world. Also prayer helps a lot. Trust in God to lead, guide, govern and direct all your ways and you will become poised, serene and relaxed. As you radiate love, peace and good will to all, you are really building a super structure of happiness for all the days of your life. Start each day expecting the best and hoping for the best. Do not dwell on the mistakes of the past, but move forward. You have a choice-choose HAPPINESS.

The kingdom of happiness is in your thought and feeling. A man is what he thinks all day long. The thoughts you habitually entertain in your mind, have the tendency to actualize themselves in physical conditions. Remember not to indulge in negative thoughts, defeatist thoughts or unkind, depressing thoughts. If you are fearful of anything, try to replace it with faith in success, achievement and victory over all problems. Believe in yourself, and you will succeed and be happy (make this a habit). A lot of people have reported feeling much better mentally, after spending much time with nature. A lot of people have found peace this way. Anytime you are feeling very sad or depressed, try spending some time outdoors with nature, or try looking at a funny movie, or go out and visit some nice friends. Visit people you have not seen in a long time. Or if you prefer to stay at home, put on some nice music that you like, and listen to the words and try singing along (you may surprise yourself).

You cannot buy happiness with all the money in the world. Some millionaires are very happy, some are very unhappy. Many people with very little worldly goods are very happy, and some are very unhappy. Some married people are happy and some are very unhappy. Some single people are happy, and some are very unhappy. Give thanks for all your blessings several times a day. If there is something worldly that you would like, don't be afraid to pray and ask for it, and have faith that you will receive it soon. Always imagine the happy ending or solution to your problem, and feel the joy of having it now (always picture this over and over just before going to sleep). When you open your eyes in the morning, say to yourself, I choose happiness today. I choose success today. I choose love and good will for all today. I choose peace today. Pour life, love and interest into this affirmation, and you have chosen happiness. Much joy, peace, good health and good fortune to all.

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